1. NormalyzerDE::example_data
    Small example dataset used to demonstrate code consistency in testing and as dummy data in the vignette.
    matrix|101 x 33
  2. NormalyzerDE::example_data
    Small example dataset used to demonstrate code consistency in testing and as dummy data in the vignette.
    matrix|100 x 12
  3. NormalyzerDE::example_data_only_values
    Same data as in "example_data", but omitting the annotation meaning that it only contains the expression data.
    matrix|100 x 27
  4. NormalyzerDE::example_data_only_values
    Same data as in "example_data", but omitting the annotation meaning that it only contains the expression data.
    matrix|100 x 6
  5. NormalyzerDE::example_design
    Design matrix corresponding to the small example datasets.
  6. NormalyzerDE::example_design
    Design matrix corresponding to the small example datasets.
  7. NormalyzerDE::example_stat_data
    Same data as in "example_data", but normalized and ready for statistical processing.
  8. NormalyzerDE::example_stat_summarized_experiment
    SummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix, data-matrix and annotation columns for normalized data
  9. NormalyzerDE::example_summarized_experiment
    SummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix, data-matrix and annotation columns loaded for raw data
  10. NormalyzerDE::example_wide_data
    Full raw NormalyzerDE matrix used for internal testing
    matrix|100 x 33
  11. NormalyzerDE::example_wide_design
    Design matrix belonging together with example_wide_data. Used for internal testing.